Pilates Builds Strong Relationships

Have you ever been in a relationship that has remained stagnant? Relationships are supposed to evolve over time. The longest relationship you will ever have is with your body; it will be with you through your entire life. Whether you choose to ignore or nurture your body, it is always there. Your Pilates practice can clear a pathway to building a stronger physical connection between your brain and your body. Emotionally, Pilates will enhance your ability to feel into your body with compassion, no matter what kind of pain or health challenge you are facing.

Building a better relationship with your body will help you:


  • Access your inner core
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Safely stretch your muscles with resistance
  • Gain control over small and large movement skills
  • Expand your lung capacity for increased endurance
  • Control the breath for enhanced performance
  • Make small alignment corrections that make huge changes in posture
  • Strengthen your entire body, inside and out


  • Focus and clear your mind
  • Reduce stress and pain
  • Relax and Re-balance your central nervous system’s response to stress


  • Be more deeply alive, connected and free

If you would like some information about starting, re-starting, or continuing your Pilates practice to help you build a better connection with your body, let us guide you on where to start. Call Body Awareness Studio, 404-252-7550!

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