NEW! 6-Week Customized Program
Do you know of someone who is a member of a group such as golfing or a running/walking club and want to improve their past time? Do you know any Mothers, Doctors, Nurses, Firefighters, Lawyers, or anyone who is suffering from the effects of stress? Let us create a...
Brain-BodySense Training
What's moving in your mind and body today? Are you aware of the body sensations of relaxation even while you're exercising or using dynamic action while creating in your home, office or at play. These are the kinds of questions I'm asking myself and my clients several...
Conscious Pilates Practice Workshop: Brain-BodySense
The art of cultivating consciousness starts with practicing body awareness and what I'm now calling Brain-BodySense Training. Practicing this Brain-BodySense inside every movement of your Pilates practice gives you a deeper experience of health and aliveness Part One:...
Summer Program: Awaken Your Body Temple (4 week series)
Toxic emotions, old wounds and traumas directly affect the physical body causing stiffness, pain, and postural imbalances. Leslie has combined her experience with Resistance Stretching and Heart IQ to create a unique 4 part series that will help you cleanse and...
Esther R.- Energy Work
"For me, the practice of Pilates combined with energy work, offer wonderful relief. I have come to the studio feeling tired and tense; after my session, I leave totally renewed." -Esther R.
Emotional Body = Physical Body
Toxic emotions, old wounds and traumas directly affect the physical body; causing stiffness, pain, and postural imbalances. The Body Awareness programs integrate heart intelligent tools with assisted ‘Resistance Stretching’ to expand your physical and emotional range....
A message from Leslie Clayton
"I've been teaching Pilates for over 21 years and before that, ballet and modern dance. I've always had a curiosity about the mind-body connection. My personal discovery and healing journey has taken me through many different forms of movement, body work and methods...
It’s Spring Time!
Spring time is here and the flowers are blooming! Do you see the beauty around you and can you drink it in and let it nourish your inner body? The last time we spoke, I mentioned my dear friend and mentor, Wendy Leblanc-Arbuckle was coming to Atlanta to host 2...
Exploring the Intrinsic Aliveness of Your Biointelligent Body w/ Wendy LeBlanc-Arbuckle
How would you like to expand your professional horizons, by discovering a 21st century approach to using "Spatial movement as medicine?" This workshop with Master Practitioner Wendy LeBlanc-Arbuckle, is for teachers who want to master the developmental understanding...
ALL-LEVELS Pilates Mat Class
Master Practitioner, Wendy LeBlanc-Arbuckle and Body Awareness Studio invite you to a Playful, Vitalizing, ALL LEVELS Pilates Mat Class. Join us to discover how to use "what is just enough effort for the movement" in Pilates, yoga or any other movement or bodywork...
Anne H.
Body Awareness is a warm inviting space to deepen your practice and really access those transverse abs and obliques! Leslie and her instructors emphasize form and grace as you build strength and stamina. I wouldn't go anywhere else.
Jill G.
Body Awareness is exactly what the name of the studio states. It is an awareness of what your body can do, whether your age, fitness level, strength or flexibility. Pilates is fitness for everyone. I have been going to Body Awareness for over ten years and I love it!...